“People have to be made to understand that they cannot look for salvation anywhere but to themselves.” ― Ella Baker

Dr. Anthea Butler is the recipient of The 2022 Martin E. Marty Award!!
Each year, the American Academy of Religion presents the Martin E. Marty Award for the Public Understanding of Religion to an individual whose work has helped advance the public understanding of religion. Read more here.
Lectures, Panels, and Appearances
Why Trump — and some of his followers — believe he is the Chosen One
Trump’s two announcements this week reveal why some evangelicals see him as ‘God’s Chosen One’ — a King Cyrus-like figure, anointed by God to save America from cultural collapse.
Jerry Falwell Jr.’s fall, Liberty University and the myth of the Moral Majority.
The evangelical movement has abandoned its claims of piety and morality — instead, becoming a voting bloc intent on holding on to political power.
White evangelicals, don’t just condemn Christian nationalism. Own it.
Piously opposing Trumpism as evil is empty, because it does not deal with white evangelicalism’s own racism.
Irish Slaves In America
The Trinity Long Room Hub Annual Humanities Horizons Lecture for 2019 delivered by Anthea Butler, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Africana Studies at the …
Dismantling Racism.
A YDS faculty panel discussion
Moderator: Gregory E. Sterling, Dean
Harold W. Attridge, Sterling Professor of Divinity
Anthea Butler, Presidential Visiting Fellow and Associate Research Scholar
Willie Jennings, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies
Laura Nasrallah, Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation
Dr. Anthea Butler Breaks Down What We Need in a National Leader.
Professor and thought-leader, Dr. Anthea Butler talks with Karen, Lamont (@MrLamontKing) and callers about what she expects for her vote.